About Us

Why Secondinnings.co.in

Secondinnings.com is the only platform in India that envisions to cater to the pool of retired professionals. Most seniors who approach retirement often desire to work, but do not have a platform that supports their needs. The big giant hiring websites only cater to professionals in the workforce, often young or middle aged.

Secondinnings.com provides companies an opportunity to post jobs or assignments that are specifically targeted to suit the needs of the retired – Flexibility of time, location, and income. It gives them companies the platform to capitalize on experience, without worrying about overstressing or overindulging the retired.

Today’s reality that Secondinnings.co.in hopes to transform

The crème de la crème who retire at the top-of-line positions like business heads, technical heads, subject matter experts are always very much in demand. These candidates are often able to carve their way out post retirement, primarily because they are only a handful.

What about the rest? The ones who retired as production managers, accountants, HR officers, Admin professionals, operators, executives, sales assistants etc. Are they in demand too? The short answer is YES! But why don’t we ever hear anyone talk about them? Well, we don’t because they are aspirations that seldom see light of the day. Such retired persons are large in numbers. But there is no platform to meet the demand and supply.

Secondinnings.com is the platform to cater to ALL retired professionals, regardless of their position, experience, industry, income, gender, or location. Secondinnings.com is the platform to discover the true potential that retired professionals have to offer. It is a platform to capitalize on lifetimes of experience! It is a platform that envisions to transform the second innings of India.

How does a retired person add value at a workplace


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